KHCA/KCAL’s on demand education platform a variety of education topics, many of which provide CE credits.
Access KHCA’s online learning platform
ACHA/NCAL has a robust on demand education platform with a variety of topics as well. Below you will find just a few of our recommendations. Click here to access ahcancalED
Contact the KHCA/KCAL team if you have questions
PHI Coaching Supervision (4.5 CEs)
Revenue Cycle Management (6.75 CEs)
Trauma Informed Care (5.75 CEs)
Functional Outcomes Improvement (6.5 CEs)
Inventory Supply Management for PPE and COVID-19 POC Testing – (4.50 NAB CEs and 4.50 nurse contact hours for nurses)
Become an Infection Prevention & Control Officer in Your Building: (22 CEs)
Functional Outcome Improvement Training: (6.5 CEs)
Water Management Modules – Focus on Safe Water Practices: (CEs not available)
Understanding SNF VBP in Detail: (CEs not available)
Person Centered Care in a PDPM World: (5.25 CEs)
Infection Prevention & Control in the Post COVID world: (3.0 CEs)